
This blog will focus on fire but more specifically, on petroleum, natural gas, forest fire, energy efficiency and management as well as energy and power. Fire is a combustion of certain chemicals combined with oxygen in the air that typically gives off a bright light, heat and smoke. Fire can be deadly as it can destroy homes, wildlife habitat, timber and can also pollute the air with emissions such as carbon dioxide, that is harmful to human health. For many centuries, we have used petroleum as fuel. Petroleum is a yellow, black liquid that is mixed with hydrocarbons. Natural gas consists of mostly methane and hydrocarbons. Due to industrial factories using petroleum and natural gas as their energy source, it has caused great damage to the environment. Some of the material that have been produced that contain natural gas have caused wildfires to occur. Forest fires are an uncontrollable fire that occurs within nature, emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, causing more pollution and harm to wildlife. In reducing carbon dioxide and global warming, we have become energy efficient by using solar power and wind power. Energy efficiency is achieved by using less energy when using or making our daily products. Wind power is a sustainable way to generate electricity because it does not produce pollution. The decrease of air pollution will be the result of an increase in renewable energy. Becoming aware of the components that lead to a fire will lead us to obtain more energy and become more power efficient.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Those of you who may ask, what is energy efficiency? Energy efficiency is using less energy (or power) to complete the same task. Most of us entirely rely on energy to get through our day with things such as electricity to cool and heat our homes, charge our electronics, use our appliances, and energy is even the fuel we use for our vehicles. Using less energy is something everybody tries to do, especially to save money. According to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, "Energy efficiency is "using less energy to provide the same service."" A common phrase I have heard fro my family countless times is "Turn off the lights, you are wasting energy." In fact, production industries have came up with ways to waste less energy with the same products. Some may not be paying much attention but when buying house appliances, things like televisions, refrigerators, washer and dryers all have stickers that points out if it is an energy saver.

"What Is Energy Efficiency?" What's Energy Efficiency? Lawrence Berkeley National  Laboratory, 2015. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

-Inga Kirakosyan

There a little steps everyone can take into creating a more energy efficient environment. From little things like turning off the lights to building energy efficient homes we can change a lot. When remodeling older homes it is more cost efficient in the long run to use products that in fact help manage the usage of energy. For smaller projects such as changing appliances from light bulbs to refrigerators it is more efficient to use Energy Star certified products. These appliances have been certified to save money and be more environmental friendly. They have been proven to save up to 30% on electricity bills. Also for the smaller things like energy efficient light bulbs, they will save one 30% to 80% on electricity bills compared to regular light bulbs. (How Can I Be More Energy Efficient?) Light bulbs may seem like a minor change, but in the long run they save a lot of money. Then there are the minor things that can be done such as turning off the lights and unplugging appliances that are not always being used. Every little step could make a big change if everyone contributes.

 "How Can I Be More Energy Efficient?" How Can I Be More Energy Efficient? Turn Back The Tide, 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.

-Inga Kirakosyan

A popular company, GE Energy Management is doing all they can to improve our environment and make our world more energy efficient. Worldwide, GE gives everyone the opportunity to have the ability to transit energy safely. They work with industries like the marines, oil and gas, metal, etc. companies. They manage and limit the usage of electricity. Electricity is one of the things this generation needs to move forward. That being understood, we need help by such companies to manage our usage.

Work Cited:
“About Us.” GE Energy Management. GE Energy Management, 2015. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

-Inga Kirakosyan

Oil Spill

Oil spills can be very catastrophic for both humans and for the marine life. When there is an oil spill it contaminates the water. This water contains arsenic, as well as cadmium, mercury, lead, zinc and copper ("The Effects of Oil Drilling"). These metals are very toxic for human and for animals. Mercury is a toxicant that grows in the in body and it takes a long time to get it all out of your system. Therefore, while animals are traveling with this toxic we then consume it ourselves when we eat them, causing us to be in danger. As a result of animals consuming this water, it can reduce their heart shape, their ability to swim, reproductive system or it can cause them to develop a tumor (Biello 168 – 169). One of the most recent tragedies that we have seen of an oil spill has been the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Rowan Gould states, “this spill is significant and, in all likelihood, will affect fish and wildlife across the Gulf, if not all of North America, for years, if not for decades” (Biello 166). Due to this oil spill we have lost an entire generation of young marine life, and the saddest part is that we will never really know how much of an impact this oil spill had until many years to come (Biello 167). Oil spill cause great damage to the marine life and much of it is still unknown.  

Work Cited:
Biello, David. "How Did the BP Oil Spill Affect Gulf Coast Wildlife?" Sustainability: A Bedford Spotlight Reader. Boston, New York: Bedford Bks St Martin'S, 2015. 166-71. Print.

"The Effects of Oil Drilling." The Effects of Oil Drilling. Web. 24 Apr. 2015.

-Janine C.

Natural Gas

Natural gas which is highly flammable, is a mixture of methane and hydrocarbons. According to the “Natural Gas Organization”, natural gas was first used in ancient time by the ancient Greece. Afterwards, the Chinese used bamboo as pipelines to transfer natural gas to heat salt water to make it drinkable. The first time natural gas was used as fuel was in Britain when natural gas was produced from coal, to light houses and streets. In the United States, natural gas was first used in 1816 to light the streets of Baltimore, Maryland (Natgas). Colonel Edwin Drake founded both petroleum and natural gas after drilling 69 feet below earth surface (Natgas). By 1821 the first well specifically drilled in search for natural gas was dug by William Hart; he later became known as the “father of natural gas” (Natgas).  In the 19 century natural gas was only used as a fuel for light (Natgas). However, 1885 Robert Bunsen invented the Bunsen burner, which was an object that successfully balance the amount of natural gas and air together, which then creates flame that people could use to cook and heat (Natgas). By the 20th century pipeline where built around the country to transfer natural gas to homes (Natgas). Now natural gas was not only used as a fuel to light up streets and homes but also it was used to cook and heat.

Work Cited:
Natgas. "" NaturalGasorg. WordPress and Newsprint Theme, 20 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.

-Janine C.


Petroleum also known as crude oil is a chemical substance found deep down in earth surface. Petroleum can be either a yellow or black liquid that is mixed with hydrocarbons. The founder of petroleum is Colon Edwin Drake who was the first person to ever successfully drill an oil well ("Petroleum History"). He initially was looking for kerosene, which is a highly flammable hydrocarbon liquid, to fuel his light bulbs, however, he ended up finding petroleum. The people believed that petroleum was a substance that was useless and unnecessary that two business man where selling. However, once the war began oil then became a necessity. By the end of the war everyone had transition to vehicles, trucks, ships and planes. Due to this transition, oil began to become a critical component that every nation needed. The people began to think that in order to have speed and mobility we needed oil. By 1940 the United State was producing 65 percent of the world oil ("Petroleum History"). Today, we continue to use oil to fuel our vehicles. planes, ships and trucks. 
Work Cited: 
"Petroleum History." - The Environmental Literacy Council. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.              
"What Is Petroleum?" What Is Petroleum? Web. 14 Apr. 2015.        

-Janine C.

Wildfire Prevention

Every year, countless acres of forests are burned as most reports state that these fires are human caused. Lit unattended campfires and smoking are examples of major concerns as it’s a threat to the environment. 

Forest fire officials have encouraged people not to light grass fires or burn debris and be cautious of what can be disposable as burning dry grass in fields or yard debris can spread quickly to nearby forests. 

A way to prevent forest fires from happening, many landfills offer designated days when yard debris can be disposed of at little or no cost. Debris and anything that can ignite fire would be disposed appropriately as will not pose a threat or cause a hazard towards the environment and wildlife. 

Works Cited: "Forest Fires: How to Prevent It." Forest Fires Prevention. Borealforest, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. 

- Jesus Perez

The “Big Blowup”

The first fire of 1910 broke out on the Blackfeet National Forest in northwestern Montana on April 29. This wildfire was known as the  "Big Blowup” as it caused devastating series of forest fires that swept over Idaho, Montana and Washington.  Official reports after the Big Blowup estimated that 1,736 total fires burned more than 3 million acres of private and federal land, consuming an estimated 7.5 billion board feet of timber. 

At least 85 people were killed and several small towns were completely destroyed as one-third of the community was burned. Smoke from the fires reached New England and soon traveled all the way to Greenland. Nationally, wildfires in 1910 consumed more than 5 million acres. The Lake States region saw its worst fire season ever with more than a million acres lost. 

Works Cited: Halm, Joe B. "The 1910 Fires." Big Blowup. The Forest History Society, July 2001. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.

- Jesus Perez

Inferno Disaster

On average, more than 100,000 wildfires clear 4 up to million to 5 million acres of land in the U.S. every year. In recent years, wildfires have burned up to 9 million acres of land. A wildfire moves at speeds of up to 14 miles an hour, destroying everything from trees, to homes and even humans.

These infernos occur around the world as it’s most common in the U.S. Forest fires are most common in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and California as these states contain heat, drought, and frequent thunderstorms that create perfect wildfire conditions. 

Works CitedMelhurst, Jacob P. "WildFires." Forest-Fires. Natural History Museum, 6 Nov. 2011 Web. 15 Apr. 2015.  

- Jesus Perez

Nuclear Power and Nuclear Energy Dangers

Nuclear power is not safe. People assume that it is because it is invisible, however little do they know that it is not clean. A nuclear meltdown might happen and it will kill more than ten thousand people. Nuclear meltdown happens when a nuclear reactor overheats and creates damage.

-Minanyiles Quintero

Work Cited:
"Nuclear Power and Nuclear Energy Dangers." Greenpeace. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wind and Solar Power

Wind Power is one of the cleanest and sustainable ways to generate electricity because since it is wind it does not produce any pollution or global warming. It is a affordable resource that can be an alternative to Fossil Fuel. However, Solar power impacts the environment in many ways. Solar power uses more land and water, which causes for habitat loss. More and more habitats are dying because they do not have enough water since they have used plenty to generate Solar power.

-Minanyiles Quintero

Work Cited:
"Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies." Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.

Renewable Energy

Increasing renewable energy is a smart energy solution. Not only is it reliable and affordable but also it benefits our health, economy and environment. Reducing air pollution will be the cause of increasing renewable energy and it is a great outcome, because it will reduce the amount of animals dying from air pollution and humans from getting sick from toxic air. 

-Minanyiles Quintero

Work Cited:
"Smart Energy Solutions: Increase Renewable Energy." Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.