
This blog will focus on fire but more specifically, on petroleum, natural gas, forest fire, energy efficiency and management as well as energy and power. Fire is a combustion of certain chemicals combined with oxygen in the air that typically gives off a bright light, heat and smoke. Fire can be deadly as it can destroy homes, wildlife habitat, timber and can also pollute the air with emissions such as carbon dioxide, that is harmful to human health. For many centuries, we have used petroleum as fuel. Petroleum is a yellow, black liquid that is mixed with hydrocarbons. Natural gas consists of mostly methane and hydrocarbons. Due to industrial factories using petroleum and natural gas as their energy source, it has caused great damage to the environment. Some of the material that have been produced that contain natural gas have caused wildfires to occur. Forest fires are an uncontrollable fire that occurs within nature, emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, causing more pollution and harm to wildlife. In reducing carbon dioxide and global warming, we have become energy efficient by using solar power and wind power. Energy efficiency is achieved by using less energy when using or making our daily products. Wind power is a sustainable way to generate electricity because it does not produce pollution. The decrease of air pollution will be the result of an increase in renewable energy. Becoming aware of the components that lead to a fire will lead us to obtain more energy and become more power efficient.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Oil Spill

Oil spills can be very catastrophic for both humans and for the marine life. When there is an oil spill it contaminates the water. This water contains arsenic, as well as cadmium, mercury, lead, zinc and copper ("The Effects of Oil Drilling"). These metals are very toxic for human and for animals. Mercury is a toxicant that grows in the in body and it takes a long time to get it all out of your system. Therefore, while animals are traveling with this toxic we then consume it ourselves when we eat them, causing us to be in danger. As a result of animals consuming this water, it can reduce their heart shape, their ability to swim, reproductive system or it can cause them to develop a tumor (Biello 168 – 169). One of the most recent tragedies that we have seen of an oil spill has been the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Rowan Gould states, “this spill is significant and, in all likelihood, will affect fish and wildlife across the Gulf, if not all of North America, for years, if not for decades” (Biello 166). Due to this oil spill we have lost an entire generation of young marine life, and the saddest part is that we will never really know how much of an impact this oil spill had until many years to come (Biello 167). Oil spill cause great damage to the marine life and much of it is still unknown.  

Work Cited:
Biello, David. "How Did the BP Oil Spill Affect Gulf Coast Wildlife?" Sustainability: A Bedford Spotlight Reader. Boston, New York: Bedford Bks St Martin'S, 2015. 166-71. Print.

"The Effects of Oil Drilling." The Effects of Oil Drilling. Web. 24 Apr. 2015.

-Janine C.

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